Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This time...Mother Nature lost.  She sent some pretty powerful wind gusts through the area which bent over the old pine tree in the neighbors yard and relocated some trash bins, but the Foam Castle survived.  Thanks to my Foamgineer - all is well!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Think - Out of the House

Yes!  FoamFriends love to be out-of-doors and because they are made of a material that will still be here when the cockroaches inherit the Earth - they are very resilient. The colors do not fade and because they are so lightweight they can be easily attached to most surfaces with foam adhesive (the kind in the tube from places like Home Depot).  The Kennedy homestead is full of foam art (surprise!!) and on the outside there are several pieces displayed year-round.  My favorite is the piece entitled, Styroglyphics, which depicts our family and pets as if they were painted on the wall of an Egyptian palace. This has hung on the back patio of our house for over 4 years and still looks as good as it did the day we hung it there.
Two of the other pieces are the Kennedy crest and the Tree of Life.
The last piece is free-standing (with a gallon of water as an inside weight) and serves as the Castle Keep for the Kennedy front door. 
Don't just Think Out of the Box -
Think Out of the House!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Kennedy Keep

My muse, my mentor...my co-designer and the foam engineer, Jeffrey, and I have been working the last few weeks on a 24' long - over 4' high castle wall for the backyard.  It's been so much fun just talking about it, then planning it, then creating it and now just looking at it and planning what more we can do!  The castle will eventually have a drawbridge and perhaps a little village with an outer wall - just like the real thing!!  The cats are confused and Chester, the hunter, is a bit frustrated as he can no longer stalk the mole, mouse and red squirrel "highway" that exists behind the newly installed wall.  How nice it will be to watch the seasons unfold around our Kennedy Keep.

I am a Woman in the Arts!!

I am pleased to announce that the 28th Annual Women in the Arts Festival was a great success!  This marks my third year as a member of both the Planning Committee and the Artist Market and my second year as the official MC for the Friday Night and Saturday Day Stage.  I am always inspired by the other women artists, musicians and poets and this year was no exception.  One of my favorite things about showing my work in the Artist Market is how surprised people are to find out that my creations are made from everyday pink Styrofoam!!  When someone is "fooled" by my faux surfaces - it is always a treat!  Here's a link to the WITA Festival site so you can see what you missed and I will be sure to keep you informed about next year's festival. http://witafestival.com/